Obviously, the tools used in functional programming must be functions. There are many of them I like, but I find that there are a few of them which I use every single day:

There is a reason for that, and it is because one can argue that almost all other higher order functions can be build by composing these together.


The all time classic! The sort function takes two arguments:

  • A list of things that can be compared
  • A function that knows how to compare two of those things

The sort function is implemented as part of the standard library of most functional programming languages, and what is cool about that is that you never have to think about the sorting algorithm itself, it can be any of the following:

You don’t care, because the only thing you have to provide is the comparator function, and there you go, you can sort just about anything you have in your application.

For Example

Given a list of people like this:

  • Ruby
  • Elixir
  • JS
list = [
  {name: "Bob", age: 25},
  {name: "Alice", age: 27}
list = [
  [name: "Bob", age: 25],
  [name: "Alice", age: 27]
var list = [
  {name: "Bob", age: 25},
  {name: "Alice", age: 27}

We can sort it like this:

  • Ruby
  • Elixir
  • JS
list.sort do |p1, p2|
  p1.name <=> p2.name
Enum.sort(list, fn(p1, p2) ->
  p1[:name] < p2[:name]
list.sort((p1, p2) => 

And you get:

  • Ruby
  • Elixir
  • JS
list = [
  {name: "Alice", age: 27},
  {name: "Bob", age: 25}
list = [
  [name: "Alice", age: 27],
  [name: "Bob", age: 25]
var list = [
  {name: "Alice", age: 27},
  {name: "Bob", age: 25}


The map function takes two arguments:

  • A list of things
  • A function that takes one argument

What it does is that it goes through all the elements of the list, applies the given function to each element, saves the result, and then returns a new list from those results.

For Example:

If we have a list of numbers and a function like this:

list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

We can get a list of squares of the numbers in the list:

  • Ruby
  • Elixir
  • JS
list.map do |num|
  num * num
Enum.map(list, fn(num) ->
  num * num
list.map(num => num * num)

And we get:

[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

The map function is very useful, when we want to perform the same kind of processing on all the elements of a list. For example:

  • In a web app we can have a list of user IDs, and we can map over that list with a query function, to get a list of the actual user records.

  • In a navigation app, we can take a list of street addresses, and map over them with a function that returns the geographical coordinates. This way we can display them on the map.


The filter function takes two arguments:

  • A list of things
  • A function that takes one argument and returns true or false

What it does is that it takes each element of the list, applies the function to that element and checks the result. Then it returns a new list from those elements for which the function returned true.

For Example:

If we take the list from the previous example:

list = [5, 2, 3, 4, 1]

When we apply the filter function like so:

  • Ruby
  • Elixir
  • JS
# In Ruby filter is called select
list.select do |num|
  num < 3
Enum.filter(list, fn(num) ->
  num < 3
list.filter(num => num < 3)

We get:

[2, 1]

The filter function can be incredibly useful in situations like this:

  • In a todo app we can filter out the items that are marked as done and show only the items that are yet to be completed.

  • In a movie database app we can choose to display only movies that have rating greater than 9, or only movies that have won the Oscars.


The reduce function is special, because unlike the other functions described here, it takes a list of things, and returns a single value. The arguments for the reduce function are:

  • A list of things
  • A function that takes two arguments, and returns one value
  • One initial value (we will see what this is used for in a second)

The reduce function is very useful for things like:

  • Summing up the elements of a list
  • Getting the minimum / maximum element of the list

How It Works

  • It calls the given function for every element in the list.

  • One argument to the call is the current element of the list.

  • The other argument is the result from the previous call.

  • For the very first call we use the initial value as the other argument.

  • The result of the whole reduce function is the result of the last call.

For Example:

Let’s see how we can use reduce to get the sum of elements in a list such as:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Here is what we do:

  • We pass 0 as the initial value to the first call.

  • The function we pass to reduce returns the sum of its arguments.

Here is a diagram of the whole process:

Here is the example code:

  • Ruby
  • Elixir
  • JS
list.reduce(0) do |acc, value|
  acc + value
Enum.reduce(list, 0, fn(value, acc) ->
  acc + value
list.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, 0)

Take While

The take while function takes two arguments:

  • A list of things
  • A function that takes one argument and returns true or false

It simply starts at the first element of the list, and applies the function to that element.

As long as the result is true, the elements are added to the resulting list. The first time the function returns false for a given element, the processing is stopped.

For Example

Given a list of numbers:

list = [5, 3, 2, 4, 1]

When we apply the take_while function to this list:

  • Ruby
  • Elixir
  • JS
list.take_while do |num|
  num * 5 > 13
Enum.take_while(list, fn(num) ->
  num * 5 > 13
// In JavaScript there is no built-in takeWhile function,
// but we can use one from the underscore.js library
_.takeWhile(list, num => 5 * num > 13);

And we get:

[5, 3]

The take while function is very useful when we are dealing with sorted lists, and we want to get only the elements that meet certain criteria. In this scenario, the take_while function will provide better performance than the filter function.

The Benefits

  • The separation of concerns is achieved, because, your business logic does not need to know any details of how the higher order function is implemented.

  • Once a higher order function is written and tested, it can be reused many times, without any changes, because it is by nature generic.

  • The higher order functions we discussed are implemented in the standard library of most programming languages, and the principles of how they work are always the same.